Saturday, April 21, 2012

Katathani - mosquito question

This may seem silly but I have already had dengue fever (from India) once and I don%26#39;t want it again...

So, if you have stayed at the Katathani can you tell me if there are many mozies around and, the most important, are there mosquito screens on the windows and doors to the balcony in the junior suit rooms at the Katathani.

It is not the end of the world if not as in my experience so far, not many hotels in thailand use mosquito screens. I just need to be prepared :-) Especially as we are also travelling with our 1 yearold baby girl....I would hate for her to get it as it can be life threatening in a child.

Katathani - mosquito question


I was there in November and did not have any mozzie bites. I did however request a mozzie plug in and one was bought straight away. There are no mozzie screens on the windows and doors to the balcony just curtains. I did not notice any mozzies.


Katathani - mosquito question


Sory I do not know anything about katathani, however hope this tips could help:

about those mosquitos,,

travelling to South East Asia countries should always bring some DEET mosquito repellent that is easir to get abroad than Thailand.

A mosquito net may be worthwhile if you plan to stay in a lot of budget accommodation in off-the-beaten-track areas, but many places will provide their own. On balance, it%26#39;s probably not needed especially as they are available cheaply in Thailand as are mosquito coils, but again maybe your baby are not used to it .. so good repellent is a must.

Take care

Hi there,

Just back from the Katathani.

1.) The rooms do not have fly screens, but we had the aircon cranked anyways.

2.) The Mozzies were BAD ! Much worse than Patong or at the Merlin Beach

3.) I had 4 bites on my feet in an hour at dinner on the beach.

No symptoms yet of anything bad though.


Hi we are travelling to Phuket in May and we will be spending a couple of days there also,my friend has reccomended these things called mosquito bands which are available from a chemist its just like a rubber bracelet she said you could probably wear it over your ankle as well,she swears by them as she just got back from cook islands without one bite so thats what we will be taking.Enjoy you trip!

I have just got back from the KataThani and stayed in a Junior suite. As stated from another post, no mosquito screens. However when your beach towels are collected every night the staff asks if they can spray your room with repellent.

Make sure you bring repellents which contain more then 50% Deet. Obviously if you go out around dusk then make sure you where repellent.

I did get badly bitten, However I am very allergic and will always get bitten and have bad reactions. I saw the Dr at the hotel and was given the correct medication. I got bitten when I went onto the blacony during dusk for 10 mins and was not wearing any repellent. I also brought coils and placed them on the blacony when I went out there at night.

Enjoy your visit, its an excellent resort.

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