Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wanted - someone a local in phuket to buy and send me dvd's

After not getting very far with getting an email address, I will move onto plan b - if any local is interested ( ideally having a paypal account ) in getting a whoel heap of movies and sending them to me I would be happy. If movies are 60 baht each happy to pay 120 plus postage - IM me if can help

Wanted - someone a local in phuket to buy and send me dvd's

Er....these DVDs are fakes and I don%26#39;t think anyone is going to risk the charge of exporting counterfeit goods!


Wanted - someone a local in phuket to buy and send me dvd's

well I could only ask,

It is highly doubtful that any one of those dvd businesses would have an email address, which is probably the reason you haven%26#39;t received any answers. And I agree with Joe about the problems that may arise with exporting/importing dvd%26#39;s.

At 120 baht per dvd plus postage, you%26#39;d be better off hiring dvd%26#39;s until you go to Phuket yourself.

I guess Pennywise4 IS pennywise - she/he is willing to pay me US$3 to get arrested for mailing counterfeit goods overseas.

Maybe not this time . . .

A buddy entrepreneur I think!

Not really such a strange question, there are shops in Bali where you email them a list of copy movies, pay by Western Union (or whatever) and they are sent to you. Was just reading how someone ordered 80 odd and they arrived ok etc, parcel had not been opened at all.

Im not saying this is ok etc, just that it happens.


Hi Penny,

I was just going to mention what Cathy said. When my sisters went to Bali there was a guy there that sent you a email list of dvds and you replied with what you wanted and then picked them up when you got there. He even provided a dvd player so you could check them. But he also did send them overseas. Can%26#39;t remember who it was but maybe if you searched on Bali forum it might come up.

PM me to let me know how you go and I will try to remember who it was in the meantime.




Someone has kindly sent me the guy in Bali -

I also have a guy in Kuala Lumpur, that does it

I wouldn%26#39;t of thought dvd postage would be as big of an issue as say the on site prostitution at most if not all bars on Bangla rd.

I am sure when i get there in August I will find someone who is interested,

I will buy a whole heap in august and post them to test my theory, I will just go into a Thailand Post office and buy a small package and send it.I will also buy a hungred of so and bring home as I do when ever I am in asia, legalities aside, I have NEVER had them taken from me by any customs officals in Sydney , Melbourne or Adelaide,

I%26#39;d be interested to see what happens. Perhaps you should try only sending about 20 first, just in case they%26#39;re confiscated.

I had some beach sand sent from Phuket to send on to someone in Canada for a school project. Customs intercepted it, emptied it out and sent me a letter saying I could have the sand for a $40 fumigation fee. They do check all the mail...

A guy was arrested recently on the Gold Coast selling imported DVD%26#39;s from Thailand/Bali.

He was selling them for $5 each at the markets and going great guns until someone put him in.

I wouldn%26#39;t try it lol.

Hi Penny,

I think you will find that it is a bigger issue if people are bringing them into Oz and then selling them. Mostly at customs they will allow them through if they look for personal use. If you have heaps of the same copy it is obvious that you are going to sell them. Only every now and again will you find a customs officer who is having a bad day or wants to excert their power who will seize them.

As for pirating, illegal or not - you can download them off net and I happen to know that they are readily available for $10 everywhere if you have the right contacts.

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