I know this might be a silly question, but I%26#39;ll ask it anyway.....
Are there changerooms in the markets to try on clothing or do you take pot luck with the sizes? Another option I guess would be to drop your dacks and try them on anyway. Somw might take offense with this.
ClothingPot luck Tezz i did notice one screen up at a clothing shop front and it was not until i walked past it to have a look at some travel bags that is was facing the back of the shop == and all the locals out the back with their ph cameras taking snaps of the female trying on tops!! as a male i was not to concerned a female well, but if you look around most shops will let you use there change rooms and most arcades are full of Tailers shops so just jump b/hind the counter.
ClothingTezz, Some do but most dont (markets that is) but they are quite willing to hold a sarong up so you can change behind it, thats all I do and no one can see anything.
When you are shopping in the markets, dropping the daks is porbably the best you get or wriggling things on over the clothes you have on....whilst squeezed in between rows of clothing for the %26#39;illusion%26#39; of privacy.
You know what the hardest part is though.....trying to get the darn clothes on and off your very sweaty body on a hot and humid Patong afternoon (LOL). Makes for some interesting contortions at times.
In the end, I gasve up and did not buy as many clothes, just held up a few t shirts and hoped for the best.
Thanks for the reponses guys.
Might just stick to the larger department stores for the stuff we need to try on. Don%26#39;t know how the wife would feel about dropping her daks in the middle of a market place.
This seems to have taken forever...... but only 2 days to go.
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