Hi. We%26#39;re going to Southeast Asia on May 29 to Jun 15. Any ideas on which cities to see in that time frame. We would like to go to Angkor Wat also. Any suggestions of an itinery would be great help.
Thank you.
Southeast Asia
2 weeks, 3 locations, 4 absolute maximum. At least 3 full days in Siem Reap to see the major temples, more time if you want to see other temples, Tonle Sap, villages, school visit, silk farm. Lots to see. www.canbypublications.com and www.stayanotherday.org are great resources.
You can get to Siem Reap from many other destinations...Kuala Lampur, Singapore, Bangkok, HCMC, Hong Kong..so it all depends on what else you are interested in.
Plan to spend at least 3 nights in each destination, and keep in mind that each time you change locations you lose at least half of a day.
Southeast Asia
For Angkor Wat, it is possible to do it in 2 days? You%26#39;re right 4 places would be pushing it. I was thinking of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Siam Reap, and Singapore/Kuala Lumpur/Indonesia/Beach. Sounds like a mouthful? Have you been to any of these places and if so which are your preferences?
I%26#39;ve been to all the places you mention except Kuala Lumpur. Of course you could go to Siem Reap for two days, but consider if it is worth the time and expense to get there for so little time actually there.
';I was thinking of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Siam Reap, and Singapore/Kuala Lumpur/Indonesia/Beach.';
Sounds like a 6 week trip to me.
You mentioned in your other posts that this is your honeymoon. Do you want to spend it on a tour of airports and transfers or do you want to see the places you travel so far too? Asia is slow. You can fly between destinations, but allow at least half a day...check out, get to airport an hour or two (for int%26#39;l) before flight, fly, get out of airport, get to hotel, check in...an hour long flight will cost you 5 hours at least.
Pare it down. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Siem Reap, Bangkok is a good two week trip. A Bangkok Airways Discovery Airpass will save you money on flights. Chiang Mai to Siem Reap is not every day, so you%26#39;ll have to work around that.
You could also reasonably use Singapore as your base, and do Singapore, Bali, Siem Reap, Singapore...this itin requires more travel time to Siem Reap as you will need to transfer in Singapore, Bangkok, KL, HK.
Or you could easily spend the two weeks in Indonesia. Bali is wonderful, and a trip from there to Borobodur is easy to arrange.
Another possibility with the Bangkok Air pass that might interest you is Bangkok, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Bangkok.
Everyplace you list is well worth your time. Asia is slow travel. It%26#39;s hot. Things don%26#39;t always go as planned. Give yourself time to relax and enjoy.
Thank you so much for your help. You%26#39;re right. This is supposed to be a honeymoon, not a marathon. Thanks again.
What about a 4-6 days roundtrip at Sri Lanka to see Kandy and other cultural and scenic sites and cities? It is really beautiful and interesting.
From there you can also fly over to the Maldives for relaxation.
I was thinking of the Maldives originally but do not want to stay on the beach the entire time. I would like to do Sri Lanka at a later date with friends/family. Thanks.
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