Saturday, April 21, 2012


Do you need typhoid vaccinations for visting Phuket? Will be staying at the Indigo Pearl Nai Yang Beach Phuket and vaccinations from last overseas trip are out of date, and as I am travelling with family do not want to take any chances. Also are dentists in Phuket a good deal as prices seem so low compared with Australia?




Hi Kath,

You won%26#39;t need a Typhoid vaccination for Phuket, the only diseases you need to watch out for are Dengue Fever (from mosquitos) and Hep B, which is contractable through bodily fluid exchange ie; s ex, drugs, unsafe medical procedures or sharing drinks/food.

The dentists in Phuket are outstanding and extremely cheap. A friend of ours who lives in Phuket just had two root canals done and he fell asleep during the procedure, it was so well done.

A top dentist/orthodontist in Perth who teaches dentists says his very top student ever is in Thailand. I%26#39;ll be getting him to do my teeth when we head back.

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